Location: Jl. Haji Cokong / Jl. Kuningan Mulia Boulevard, Setia Budi, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Terraverde / Monteverde
Size: 171 / 177 / 187 / 188 / 211
Bedroom: 2 / 3
Bathroom: 2 / 3
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Apartment Security: High-security level with security for 24 hours, 24 hours CCTV, private lobby, private lift, Private balconies for each unit, apartment access card, parking access card, and security video call for each unit.
Sports: Fitness center/gym and yoga corner, jogging track around a tropical garden and Pilates reformer, RPM studio, TRX studio, Treatment massage room.
Entertainment: Nice Half Olympic swimming pool, comfortable nooks/sitting area for relaxing at the swimming pool Separate shallow children pool with water sprays and water islands, barbeque area near the pool and children playground.
Daily needs: Rooftop Sky Lounge, Chef and Kitchen Lounge, Minimart, Ballroom, Theater Room, Meeting Room, Business Center, Barbeque Pavillion, Game Lounge, Kids Playroom, Wine and Cigar Lounge, Pets Zone.
Others: Nice lobby and waiting room, multifunction room, motorcycle parking, etc
Additional Info:
Verde Two located strategically in CBD Kuningan, standing in an integrated and green superblock Rasuna Epicentrum, South Jakarta. Located in the Jakarta Central Business District. Have direct access to Jl. KH Mas Mansyur and to Jl. Jend. Sudirman (adjacent to Shangrila Hotel and Residences).
Selling Price:
Additional Info: PROMO AGUSTUS 2022 :
Selling Price: Terravaganza Spesial Price :
Baca juga: Pesan Menu Catering Harian Melayani Pengiriman Ke Bekasi Barat Hub 08885640393 Simple, Healty and Affordable Salah satu keunggulan indonesia ialah kemajemukan serta beragamnya budaya dan kearifan lokal di masing-masing daerah yang ditinggali beragam suku dan etnis. Tak hanya tampak eksotik bagi paa turis tapi juga unik. Paling tidak itu bisa dilihat dari segi kulinernya |
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